Finding a Job
Less travel time, more you time.
There are 14,925 jobs in Goulburn Mulwaree across a wide range of industry sectors. Many of these workers live within five minutes’ drive of their workplace. Can you imagine being able to go home to your own veranda for lunch? Less time commuting means more time for you, your family and friends, which is good for the environment and your budget too!
There are also two co-working hubs centrally located offering shared workspaces from hot desks through to private offices.
Major employer groups in Goulburn and the surrounding region include:
- Local Council & Facilities – Goulburn Mulwaree Council
- NSW State Government departments
- Health services
- Council and facilities
- Manufacturing and engineering
- Retail and accommodation
Goulburn Mulwaree Council (GMC) employs a diverse workforce of more than 400 staff across varying professions. All roles directly contribute to creating a resilient, vibrant and connected community.
At GMC, you will find Your Place… for Meaning and Impact, Your Time… for Growth and Support, Your Balance… for Work and Life

The Goulburn region has 2,620 local businesses, with the highest employment in Health Care & Social Assistance, Construction and Public Administration & Safety. From 2011 – 2021, the fastest growing sectors in terms of employment were Construction (+556 jobs), Health Care & Social Assistance (+471), Education & Training (+230) Administrative & Support Services (+159) and Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (+157). In terms of numbers of businesses from 2021-2022, the growth is in the sectors of Construction (+43 businesses), Transport, Postal & Warehousing (+19) and Administrative & Support Services (+19), based on ATO data.
With such diversity in employment opportunities, you shouldn’t have too much trouble getting a job here. To find out what’s currently available check the Job seeking Websites (enter ‘Goulburn’ into the location menu):
Can’t find the job you’re looking for in Goulburn right now? The region is a net exporter of labour.
According to the 2021 Census, 19% of working residents travel outside Goulburn Mulwaree for work, primarily to the ACT.
If you don’t mind soaking up a bit of scenery on your way to and from work each day, in under an hour you could be in either the Southern Highlands or Canberra, our Nation’s capital, rubbing shoulders with some of the most highly-paid people in the country.
Need care for your children while you head to work? Goulburn enjoys a variety of high quality, affordable childcare, preschool and outside school hours care choices. For detailed information about various childcare providers, go to:
Thinking of relocating?
Explore more of what the region has to offer.