Advice and Assistance
Contact us for all your enquiries.
Goulburn Mulwaree is a progressive region and there are various organisations who all play a role in uniting our business community towards common goals.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s Mission is to ‘provide infrastructure and services that meet the changing needs of our community’ and is proud to take part in the Small Business Friendly Council’s Program.
If you’re thinking of relocating to Goulburn, Council can help in many ways. Council actively encourages development which positively contributes to the
region’s economic, social, cultural and environmental resources. Council also provides a high level of service to facilitate and expedite the development application process.

Particular areas of assistance from Council include research, referrals, land and property matters, legal guidance and support, community economic development projects and pre-development application lodgement advice.
An equally important role for Council in economic development is that of community leadership, facilitation and coordination. Council brings together diverse community interests and forms partnerships to undertake projects which attract new investment and assist in the retention and growth of existing businesses.
Council also plays a key leadership role as an advocate to other levels of government in relation to key infrastructure and planning issues impacting on local economic growth.
If you’d like to talk about moving your business here, Council is eager to help and is ready to assist. You can contact Council’s dedicated Economic Development Manager, Danae Vitnell, by either email, [email protected], or phone, (02) 4823 4493 and/or 0400 649 312.
Building your business?
Find out why Goulburn is the perfect destination to expand.